Our Savior's
Lutheran Church
Our Savior's Lighthouse Child and Family Development Center is a Christian based child and family development program for families with children ages 2-10 years old. Our vision is to assist families in the Lake Area by providing a nurturing child care environment that addresses the needs of the child as an individual, as a member of a family and that family as a member of the community. This innovative approach increases the potential success of children and their families through individualized goal-setting, parent education and empowerment.
Founded on Proverbs 22:6, Our Savior's Lighthouse believes that helping families raise children in a well-rounded school and home will result in quality character-building principles and thus continue to nourish as well as direct that child throughout his or her life.
When you consider your most valuable possession, God's child, pray for guidance and consider a loving and caring day care for your child where your child will receive exceptional care every day. Child care subsidy is available.
Ms Jessica Jensen, Director, will be glad to give you a tour of our child care facility. Consider this summer day care program for your child ages 2-10 where nutritious snacks and meals are served. During the school year Camdenton RIII buses will drop your child off at Our Savior's after school.
Ms Lisa Jackson, lead teacher, is a former Camdenton teacher who is high energy and gives the children love and structure while using a Christian curriculum.
Ms Jane Maag is in charge of the CAFP menus and food preparation and assists with the children when needed.
For further information, contact:
Our Savior's Lighthouse Child and Family Development Center
at 573-410-0304 or